Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Modern Forensics Audio

Forensic Audio Restoration and Enhancement

Audio professionals of scientific research and medico-legal (including technology and tools) to determine the authenticity of the sound, when it comes to criminal cases, but also the civil action. Based on the results of forensic audio seems to be used as evidence in criminal and civil matters that have to do with it during the investigation, family and neighbors quarrel, divorce, extortion and even industrial espionage.

Audio forensics are used in almost all cases where the mobile phone or recorded conversations used in the process - and that the whole context surveillance, particularly in disputes between employers and workers covering analysis.

The roots of Forensic Audio
Before forensic audio that is widely used in professional association in the world and the police are used in practice, especially when the United States government. The linguist can be experienced in audio studio that used to break during the second World War and analyze the behavior of voters who are enemies of radio and telephone technologies.

During the second World War, the specialists with a spectrograph on the frequency and the amplitude of the sound patterns of the plot. This practice makes it easier identification. Persons of concern and monitoring frequency emissions or greater intelligence.

Now the same practices for the use of the latest technology terrorist entities, which reveal the location and distinct voice, if it occurs, along with other relevant factors.

Digging in Forensic Audio
The audio analysis not only hear the word. Each entry must be checked carefully, and audio files that meet the general registration, etc. Some of the factors that are often evaluated by a forensic audio experts relevant

Audio recorders and other devices
Artifacts natural
Pause now and the beginning and the end

These are all important points for an unusual sound patterns or inconsistencies could mean that the audio voice broken or not genuine. There are also factors taken into account forensic audio specialists with multiple speakers in meetings in which the determination of the traffic. Help Crossed to analyze some of the factors that belong

breathing patterns
nasal resonance
formation of clinker

Forensic audio and transcription enforcement
In many cases, the responsibility for law enforcement, not only to study and analyze the audio transcription services that point, but also the institutions. Remember audio recording forensic specialist is not sufficient in all cases. To be accepted as proof of an official copy of the complete audio recording of assessment required.

It could be an incredible amount of work. Unlike other forms of writing where the only sound is recorded, the application of the law sometimes requires voice transcription and artifacts are documented and transcribed. This is also true for the items, opening and closing doors, chairs scraping on the floor, whisper, sigh, hitting, cards, etc.

Each tone can give an idea about the interview, meeting or meetings that are not normally collected for the untrained ear. The sound detection and other discontinuities in the recovery difficult, but for those who are specialized in forensic audio is not possible.

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